Wednesday, February 17, 2010

"There are the things that have been and the things that haven't happened yet."

My second book this year for Jenners' Take Another Chance Challenge is Nothing But Ghosts by Beth Kephart.  I chose it for Challenge Number 2: Blogroll Challenge.
Find a blogroll at either your book blog or a book blog you like that has at least 15 book blogs on it. Go to and, using the True Random Number Generator, enter the number 1 for the min. and 15 for the max. and then hit generate. Then find the blog that is that number on the blogroll you selected. (For example, if you get 10 at, then count down the list of blogs until you get to the tenth one). Go to that blog and pick a book to read from the books that they have reviewed on their blog. Read it and write a post about it.
I chose Lenore's blog, Presenting Lenore, because she specializes in YA fiction and so I knew I would get something that would be more of a "chance" for me.  I ended up with the author Beth Kephart's blog so I decided to choose one of her own books to read.  I am glad to have ended up with this as my choice and I really liked her book.

Nothing but Ghosts is the story of Katie, living alone with her dad after the death of her mother a few months earlier.  She is a high school student who is working for the summer as a groundskeeper at a local mansion.  It's a unique place with extensive gardens and a reclusive owner who hasn't been seen in forty years.  In Katie's mind, she links the missing Miss Martine with her mother, whom she also feels has gone missing.  She begins to research Miss Martine at the local library and also to search their own house to find any remaining traces of her own mother.

This is a touching story about life and what we do with those things that will inevitably happen.  This novel was inspired by the loss of Beth's own mother so it really seemed honest and believable.  Lenore was able to interview the author and it's definitely worth reading.  I feel lucky to have chosen this book and I hope my luck holds up with the rest of this challenge!

Thinking about those who are gone but will never be lost,

Support our site and buy Nothing but Ghosts on Amazon or find it at your local library. We borrowed a copy from the library.


  1. I love that this challenge led you to read a book that worked out for you. I've heard "Nothing But Raves" for this book and I suspect I shall read it some day.

  2. Lenore - I'm so glad your site led me to it!

    Jenners - I'm happy too because it was a true chance - a genre that I don't normally read and a subject that will usually put me off. Your challenge is my friend!
