Welcome to another installment of Starred Saturdays! Thanks for the great reception last week. I think this is going to be something fun.
First is the massive Kindle II giveaway that J.T. (at Bibliofreak) has orchestrated. She's basing it on Amazon Affiliate profits through her site so I wish her luck. I've made 89 cents in the last year and a half.
If you missed signing up for the Book Blogger Holiday Swap, consider the Secret Santa Book Exchange started by msmazzola of State of Denmark. Sign up by December 5th!
Did you know that AbeBooks lists their most expensive titles sold each month? It's fun to look at even though I'm not the kind of person to ever spend $6000 on a book. (from The Millions)
This is a "collective art site" called Gorilla Artfare -- specifically the art of "bluefooted". I think the wolfman picture is just beautiful and the Wild Things piece under it is fantastic. (from io9)
Carlos Ruiz-Zafon's YA books (four of them!) are being translated from Spanish and released by Little, Brown. The first will be The Prince of Mist. (from Fuse #8)
Here's something that I hope NOBODY receives as a holiday gift.
And finally a couple of books that caught my eye --
The Girl of Slender Means by Muriel Spark -- a novella that prompted me to by a different Muriel Spark novella that was on the discount rack at Half Price Books (found on Savidge Reads)
The Ring of Words: Tolkien and the Oxford English Dictionary by Peter Gilliver, Jeremy Marshall, and Edmund Weiner -- an exploration of words that Tolkien created or gave new meaning to through his books. I'll be looking for this one at the library (found on the Oxford University Press blog)
There were also a couple of other books that might make good Christmas presents for family members so I have to keep those to myself for a bit!
Dreaming of first editions,
So, I show my husband that awful invention and he's like, that's a great idea...you should get one...motivation...blah blah blah
ReplyDeleteJ.T. - The only thing I would be motivated to do would be to never have a Twitter account! ;)
ReplyDeleteYeah ... that Wi-Fi Tweet thing must NOT show up here ... not even as a joke!
ReplyDeleteAnd I had one good month with my Amazon Associates thing ... when I "sold" two Kindles. After that, I think I've 'earned" $1.51.
I will definitely be checking out those Carlos Ruiz Zafon YA!! And, there is no way that scale will show up in my house!! :)
ReplyDeleteSeriously--who would want to have their weight "tweeted" to the world???