Saturday, October 9, 2010

Read-a-Thon Update One

Well, I ended up waking up three hours after the start of the read-a-thon and began my reading day at 8am.  That seemed plenty early for me and helped my chances of getting through the day in a more lively fashion!  I grabbed a pillow and blanket, lit a fire and turned on some lights to help block out the dim, rainy Seattle day.  I had two hours of quiet time before Z decided to come downstairs.

I just finished reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (for maybe the fifth or sixth time?) and will start Carlos Ruiz Zafon's The Prince of Mist right after I take a shower.  Z has also joined in today and has read three books this morning so far.  He thinks this is a great idea for a rainy day too!

I've decided not to spend much time at the computer and so won't be doing any of the mini challenges.  With a kid running around and demanding food and entertainment and my ever-lingering cold, there's already enough to distract me from reading!  But I appreciate your comments and I'm getting them on my phone.  I'm also chatting a little bit on Twitter so come visit me there!

Four hours, 221 pages,


  1. Rainy days are perfect for reading! I love that Z is reading along with you. I hope you have a great day, and that you feel better soon.
    Happy reading!

  2. I doubt that I will be doing any mini challenges either. I do like to check out everyone's progress though when I need a reading break though!

  3. I should read Philosopher's Stone very soon too, probably tomorrow :) Well done yourself, keep it up!

  4. How awesome that Z is reading along with you!

    Hope you both enjoy your readathon experiences.

  5. Sounds like a perfect reading day; I'm cheering for you!
