A cause near and dear to my heart but sadly too far from my mind most of the time is the health of our oceans.
Sea Voices
, a new release by editors Duffy and Elizabeth Laul Healey, is a great coffee-table book that shares why the ocean is important, what is already being done to protect it and what needs to happen going forward. The book uses from one paragraph to three pages to highlight many of the people that are working hard to protect our largest and most important natural resource. It is presented in a question and answer interview format that really brings forward these important voices for conservation and change -- from scientist Sylvia Earle to musician Jack Johnson, attorney Robert Kennedy, Jr. to surfer Kelly Slater. You can see a list of all of the contributors at the Sea Voices
website. Though this volume could have done with a bit more editing, the messages presented here far outweigh the errors. It is inspirational to see so many people from diverse backgrounds using their own special talents to bring about change.
photo by K
Awareness and education are always the first steps toward real change. Though not all of you may live near an ocean or visit one regularly, there are always ways to become educated and to make a difference. You can follow
@NMSFOcean (National Marine Sanctuary Foundation) or
@bluerules (Sylvia Earle), among others, on Twitter. You can visit a
local aquarium and ask about their conservation, breeding and rehabilitation efforts. You can download Monterey Bay Aquarium's
Seafood Watch guide for your region. You can make responsible choices to reduce
plastic pollution. And most importantly, you can
teach the next generation to be responsible stewards of the ocean. This book is a great first step in any education process.
Enjoying the world's oceans today and tomorrow,
Support our site and buy
Sea Voices
on Amazon or find it at your local library. We received a copy for review.
sounds like a great book.
ReplyDeleteLove your piccie of the crab and anemones
I agree with you. I remember spending tons of time at the ocean as a kid and teenager. I really love the ocean.