Monday, January 3, 2011

One More Day of Vacation

Z doesn't start back to school until Tuesday so we are taking one more day of rest before we get back to the grind. I'm finishing up a re-read of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (which I won't be writing about) and then I will settle in and write about a couple of recent reads, one of which was better than expected and the other which was not.

Wasting every moment possible,


  1. Know the feeling - my kids go back to school on Wednesday, my 'Mother-in-Law' headed back home today (she spent New Year with us), and it's back to work this week after over a week off - 'normal' life is almost here, which I'm sure will be fine, once I get used to being back in a routine again.

  2. I hope that your back to school/work day was pleasant. Z is loving having his routine back even if we have to get readjusted to waking up early again!
