Saturday, June 30, 2012

A 2012 Mid-Year Review

photo by k
I don't usually think about things like quarterly and mid-year stats but for some reason this year I'm obsessing over them! Maybe it's because I'm keeping some new running totals this year. Actually, I'm almost certain that's it. So here are some of my January through June numbers for your perusal --

Books from the TBR: 21
Re-reads: 17
(Number of those that were by Diana Wynne Jones: 12)
Library books: 6
Review copies: 13
Non-fiction: 1
Books in translation: 2
Books over 500 pages long: 6

Total books read: 54
Pages read: 17549

*My books list now includes Z's bedtime stories because I'm the one reading them after all. It also gives me a better count of my actual pages read for the year.
*Obviously I'm a bit disappointed with the non-fiction and books in translation numbers and will try and improve those in the next six months. I know of at least two Carlos Ruiz Zafón books that I'll be reading soon so that will help!
*I'm happy with my TBR number. My goal for the year was 50 so I'm doing well with that and the library and review copy numbers are sufficiently low that I'm accomplishing what I wanted to with that goal anyway.
*And I'm happy that I'm picking up more "chunksters" this year. I have even more big reads planned for the rest of the year!
*My Year of Dickens has stalled a bit but I plan on making progress with it this summer. And that's not strictly a 2012 project anyway as it goes until next February.
How are you doing on your reading goals so far this year?

Satisfied with my progress,


  1. I'm actually doing very well -- my goal was to read 100 books, of which half would be from my own TBR shelves. I've finished 48, with two in progress, and 23 were from my own shelves (though that included rereads, so it's less than half. But still better than last year!)

    Not counting the works in progress, I've read almost 18000 pages, including two works by Charles Dickens, two by Trollope, and a Zola. I've completed two of my four challenges, so I'm pretty happy with my reading so far.

    If only I could resist the temptation of library books!

  2. Karen - Re-reading has lowered my TBR shelf numbers too but I am okay with that because it still means that I am reading books I own and getting more value out of them -- which is part of my original intent. I still plan on reading Trollope for the first time this year. I'm getting excited about that! And I can resist the temptation of library books much more because I don't work in one. :) When I want to check out something specific, even if it's at my own library, I put a hold and then I just walk to the hold shelf when it's in. If I started looking around, I would get into trouble!

  3. You're doing great! I haven't been re-reading much this year and I want to change that. I also want to read more books from my tbr shelves.

  4. Wow, I'm impressed! Smart to count the books you're reading to your child, since they represent one of the best things you can do with a book: share! Hope the second half of your year is even better!

  5. Vasilly - This is the first year since I started blogging that I've taken time to reread. I really missed doing it regularly.

    Col - Thanks! And I don't know why I wasn't recording them before. Not only do I get a more accurate count of what I'm reading but I also have a nice record of what we read together and when. :)

  6. Great numbers so far! I am behind on my reading goals, but I've got a pretty darn good excuse. I am hoping to eventually make up for it, especially in the area of my TBR pile in the months to come.

    Just curious, which Zafon books are you planning on reading?
