Monday, November 14, 2016

Moving Forward

My first instinct as I lay in bed on Tuesday night was to quit blogging. This just seemed so trivial an endeavor. I was looking for ways to make a big difference, a way to save the world single-handedly. But then I read Song of the Trees and Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred B. Taylor this week and I realized that, when one is reading books that matter and sharing about them (my post on RoT will go up at The Estella Society tomorrow), it can change the world. It is admittedly a small thing but it isn't meaningless. So, I'm going to keep blogging. It might take me a little while to get going again regularly. Right now, it's hard to focus on anything for very long. I have pains in my stomach and I am sleeping far more than I normally do. I feel alternately hopeless and angry and I'm not sure when this will improve. Still, I'm looking forward to beginning planning for the holidays and I hope to also find some solace and joy in books. If I do, I'll be back to share that with you.

In solidarity,


  1. Yeah, I hear you. I haven't gotten as far down as considering quitting this blogging thing, but I've been unable to post or spend much time looking at the world.

    1. It's even hard to read, which makes it hard to blog. But there's value to what we do!

  2. I'm not going to stop blogging but I may change what I focus on. I remain so grateful for what books and reading bring to my life - and believe in them as a catalyst for change.

    I also am grateful for the book blogging community. In these dark days it has helped me to read posts by other people who are hurting. I don't feel so alone.

    1. Very, very true. Seeing so many intelligent, like-minded people is a comfort.

  3. This: "find some solace and joy in books" is so important right now. I feel you, and I'm there with you.

  4. I've loved reading your blog for years. I always love hearing your voice and seeing what you and Z are reading. It's important. Your voice is important.
