Sunday, February 28, 2021

Time for #MarchMagics

I don't know where February went but here we are -- March! It's time again to celebrate the lives of two incredibly imaginative and prolific fantasy/sci-fi authors, Diana Wynne Jones and Terry Pratchett. Here are some key dates:

6/7 March - EARWIG AND THE WITCH watch and discuss

11 March - Discussion post for Nation (TP) read-along

25 March - Discussion post for Power of Three (DWJ) read-along

I don't have the energy to coordinate an actual watch-along of Earwig but I'll post about it on the 6th and then we can discuss here on the blog or on Twitter or Instagram. It will be the first book I read this month as well. Speaking of ... here's my stack for the month in the order I think I'll read them:

Earwig and the Witch


Guards! Guards!

Men at Arms

A Tale of Time City
(When I get close to this one I'm gonna start bugging you, Jenny. Be ready to reread with me!)

Feet of Clay

Power of Three

The DWJs are all rereads and only two of the Pratchetts are new-to-me so I'm doing a lot more comfort reading than anything else. If I can find the time, I'll pick up another DWJ or two (because how can I have a year with no Chrestomanci?!).

Link any posts you have this month here and be sure and use the MarchMagics hashtag on social media. And, most importantly, have fun!


  1. Hurray, hurray, hurray! And I love your stack. I'm reading Men at Arms (for the first time) hopefully this month too! Although now I want to reread Guards Guards... Ooh, I haven't read Chrestomanci in too long!

    1. This is what happens to me too ... ;) Enjoy your reading!

  2. My TBR post. ^_^

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I feel like reading The Magicians of Caprona somehow. A year with no Chrestomanci would be bleak indeed.

    1. I was thinking Caprona too. I don't read it as often but really like it every time I do!

