Tuesday, September 11, 2012

BBAW Day 2: Some Answers and a Giveaway

Well, today is BBAW interview day which is always extremely fun but I have been so swamped with the start of school that I didn't have time to do one. So instead, you get the alternative self Q&A and a giveaway!

Do you snack while you read? Not anymore because I'm losing weight. If so, favorite reading snack? BUT, if I was to slip and grab a snack, it would be Popcorners (kettle or sea salt) or dark chocolate M&Ms.

Do you tend to mark your books as you read, or does the idea of writing in books horrify you? Yes the idea of writing in books is not my favorite but at the same time I wish I had a better record of my thoughts while reading a book. I tend to forget them by the time I reach the end. If I ever got in a more organized place in life, I might read with post-its handy.

How do you keep your place while reading a book? Bookmark? Dog-ears? Laying the book flat open? Bookmark, receipt, photograph ... NEVER dog-ears. And I actually don't ever open a book flat -- most of my read books look brand new or might have a single crease down the spine.

Fiction, Non-fiction, or both? Both! There are awesome stories and ideas in both.

Hard copy or audiobooks? Hard copy. I don't have any time where it would be convenient to listen to audiobooks and my mind tends to wander anyway. I need the written words to keep my attention.

Are you a person who tends to read to the end of chapters, or are you able to put a book down at any point? I used to read to the end of chapters exclusively but now, as a parent, I've had to perfect my "putting the book down at any moment" skills. In fact, now I find myself putting books down in the middle of chapters more than at the end of them.

If you come across an unfamiliar word, do you stop to look it up right away? Depends. If I can guess what it means from context, I'll just move on. But if I can't guess and I think that it's an important word, I'll look it up. This is why we have smartphones now, right?

What are you currently reading? An Expert in Murder by Nicola Upson

What is the last book you bought? I bought a few books for the 100 Picture Books Read-Along (not so subtle plug) -- Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, Journey to the River Sea, The Dark is Rising box set. In the same order, I bought Matilda and Pippi Longstocking for my niece who turned 8!

Are you the type of person that only reads one book at a time or can you read more than one at a time? Usually just one at a time but sometimes more than one if I'm doing a section-by-section read-along or if I'm reading a slower non-fiction book. But I really like immersing myself in a story and sticking with it until I'm done.

Do you have a favorite time of day and/or place to read? All day, anywhere? But 11pm to 2am in bed is probably my super favorite.

Do you prefer series books or stand alone books? I like both for different reasons.

Is there a specific book or author that you find yourself recommending over and over? Diana Wynne Jones! Jasper Fforde! Read their books now!

How do you organize your books? (By genre, title, author’s last name, etc.?) By no discernable method at all right now. I have groups by authors but those aren't placed anywhere specific in relation to other authors. I have kid book shelves and a non-fictiony-type shelf and I have a TBR bookcase (that has spilled over into also being piles on the floor next to the bookcase). Organization will never truly happen until I have many more shelves or far fewer books.

Now for that giveaway ...

I want to buy one blogger a new paperback of the incredibly awesome Charlotte Markham and the House of Darkling by Michael Boccacino. This is open internationally to all book bloggers. One entry per person and the winner will be chosen on Friday night or Saturday morning.

I just finished this book yesterday and it was really, really good. I'll have a glowing review up next week but I want to give it away now. It's dark, creepy, supernatural Victoriana and the perfect RIP read! Just fill out this little form to enter --

Best of luck,


  1. *giggle* Great interview!! I'm bored, so I'm going to answer them too.

    What are these Popcorners? They sound interesting….

    You should get one of those bookmarks with post-its attached. :) Really, I wish I could get organized enough to take notes while I read. I've tried it a couple of times, but can't seem to make it a habit.

    I need to read more non-fiction.

    Audiobooks take training, they really do. I used to not be able to pay attention, but I've listened to so many now (only good part about my commute) that it doesn't happen much any more.

    Yeah, parenting kinda necessitates being able to put a book down anywhere, doesn't it? :)

    I don't look up much either. But yes, thank goodness for smartphones!

    I can't wait for the first 100 readalong. I finished The Wizard of Oz last week and was pleasantly surprised by it.

    I read way too many books at a time.

    I'll read anywhere I can grab a minute!

    I like both series and standalones too.

    Neil Gaiman!

    Organization? I'm not sure what that word means. #looksforsmartphone…

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love reading in bed at night too, however my days of 11pm to 2am are behind me now :( But 10pm to 10:30pm, I'm there!!!

  4. NEW FOLLOWER...great interview and great way to learn about you.

    I use an envelope, bill, picture, or whatever is available to keep my place. I sometimes use an actual bookmark. :)

    I am laughing about the question what is the last book you bought. I haven't bought a book in so long.

    You did a terrific job.

    Have a fun week.

    Silver's Reviews

  5. I'm SO with you on Diana Wynne Jones and Jasper Fforde. I find myself recommending them over and over and over and over and over and--

  6. Thank you for sharing. Also thanks for making it open to all. Much appreciated.

  7. Heather - Popcorners are popcorn chips and are super addictive because you're like "they're not chips, they're popcorn!" but really they're still chips. And yeah, I don't have a commute right now. I bet if I did, I would feel different about audiobooks! And Neil Gaiman! I forgot Neil Gaiman! That rarely happens. :)

    Gautami - Thank you for stopping by!

    Shan - My late days SHOULD be behind me since I have to get up at 7am but I'm just too much of a night person!

    Elizabeth - Welcome! Yes, I will use anything around rather than dog-earing. That's icky. :)

    Memory - Yes. If anyone who knows me hasn't received a DWJ or a Fforde recommendation yet, I would be surprised.

    Mystica - Thanks for stopping by and my pleasure!

  8. So happy to find another honest parent (hello reality!) book blogger. Popcorn is my snack of choice, but that has gone by the wayside right now for the same reason (cursed baby weight). I'm also a night owl, but with a 3yo and a 9mo, I have to cut myself off at a a certain time. I need a vacation, by myself, with a big comfy bed and my book pile :)

    Maria @novalibrarymom.com

  9. Maria - Yes, I've considered doing Read-a-Thon at a hotel sometime just to get the full amount of reading time instead of fitting in kid meals and bath and all of that! :) Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Wonderful interview, if I do say so... *grin* It was great to learn a little bit more about you - and I have to applaud your pristine book campaign! It's how I am myself. Also: DWJ to the max!

  11. 11-2 AM is my favorite time to read, too! Then people don't bother you because they're sleeping.

  12. Cecelia - I'm disappointed when I do get a crease in the spine of a paperback. I feel like I failed somehow. And DWJ forever!!

    Tasha - Exactly. It's worth being a bit tired the next day to get some quiet quality reading time in!

  13. Audiobooks are the only thing that make cleaning tolerable for me. I don't think my floors would ever get cleaned if I hadn't discovered them.

  14. Ummm, I don't know why that last comment posted as "Unknown" - it's not some creeper, it's just me. =)

  15. Elizabeth - That's a good idea actually. I've never thought of it. Maybe my floors could use a good audiobooking. ;)

  16. I forgot everything when I read that you stay up until 2:00 am reading!!! How do you function? ACK!

  17. Jenners - I get up at 7, get the kid off to school and then get a couple more hours of sleep before starting my day. ;) And it's not 2am every day ... some days it's just 1! Haha!

  18. What a fun giveaway and another great interview!

  19. I can't help but comment on your two authors that you recommend ... You referred both to me and I love them!!! (And yes, I am super late to commenting here!)

    1. That's good to hear! I have to think that I could be friends with anyone who liked those two authors. :)
