Saturday, October 17, 2015

24-Hour Read-a-thon Kick-Off Post

It is Read-a-thon time, my pretties! As is customary for one who lives on the west coast, I will not be awake for the start of the event. As a night owl, the only time I ever see 5:00am is from the other side. Depending on when I fell asleep last night, I'll be up around hour four or five and that's when I will start in on this lovely stack --

The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace & Babbage (graphic novel)
The Shepherd's Crown (the final Tiffany Aching book -- SOB!!)
The League of Beastly Dreadfuls (middle grade)
Jackaby (a reread because it is awesome)
Beastly Bones (... and the sequel)

I also have two audiobooks queued up -- A Blink of the Screen (Terry Pratchett's collected short fiction) and The Witch of Blackbird Pond for while I'm baking my traditional scones, making dinner, and/or any other time my peepers need a rest.

Speaking of scones, I have a few snacks for the day, of course --

I'll post more pictures on Instagram as the day goes on and you can find me on Twitter if you want to chat. I wish you all a fantastic day of reading and socializing!

Planning my fashionably late entrance,


  1. Flips. My favorite! Your snacks look so good!! I mean books. You know what I mean. ;)

    Hope you have a great day Kristen! And what's funny is that I got up at 5 to get my reading started early. I'd love your start time. LOL!

    1. I didn't even get to the Flips! What is that about? ;)
